
In the last few years digitization is becoming more and more important. This goes hand in hand with trends towards mobile learning
The Erasmus+ project DigI-VET addresses new and innovative ways of learning and teaching in the age of digitization and Industry 4.0. The partnership creates awareness of the needs to address digitization and Industry 4.0 in vocational education and training (VET). The development of a curriculum and learning resources for digitisation is a core aspect of the project and goes hand in hand with a innovative sMOOC for teachers and learniers in VET which offers the most crucial aspects on the topic. In DigI-VET also a book the DigI-VET book will be created to address a broad audience with the current developments and challenges in the world of work and how it is affeced by digitisation and what this means for VET and for VET educators. The aim it tol create Digital Competence Profiles for VET. To provide direct impressions of digitisation and Industry 4.0 the project offers an online observatory with showcases which provide insights into enterprises and companies and how they use digitisation today and what they expect for the future. This observatory provides best practices and examples with texts, audios, videos and photos and bring industry 4.0 directly to the learners in the classroom.
Current Industrie 4.0 approaches focus on a symbiosis between production and new IT technologies to enhance industry and gather adequate data. Here, digitization is a key to handle these approaches. But, this does not only mean changes in industry and production this also means change and challenges in the field of VET. Digitisation and Industry 4.0 usually stands for the fourth industrial revolution. This means digitisation of products as end-to-end digitization. This includes the expansion of existing products but also requirements for new competences. For VET teachers the core challenge is to gather information about the rapitly changing environment and to find adequate ways to deliver these new information to the learners.
Therefore, DigI-VET focusses on the design of an acceptance study in the partner countries to get a European view on acceptances, experiences, problems and chances in the fields of digitization and industry 4.0. Target groups are teachers, trainers, learners and VET educators. The survey examines how theses target groups in VET think about digitization and how the integrate it in their teaching. Moreover, the surveys focus on the challenges of industry 4.0 in a VET environment and gather information how the aspect of creating a digital economy influences teaching and learning. In additional desktop researches the partners also gather information about mobile learning in their national contexts and the EU.
In DigI-VET the partners will create a book in English language on digitization and Industry 4.0 and the influences to VET, where the survey results and the results of the desktop researches are provided and additional checklists and hints for teachers and trainers are provided.
The DigI-VET project is designed similar to a former partnership project under Leonardo II and includes only two intellectual output focussing the quantitative and qualitative research on the topic and the deign of the DigI-VET book. Most of the work concerning matching of approaches and data will be done at the three meetings of the partners. The results of the surveys will be presented in the book and together with the best practices and the DigI-VET sMOOC at the multiplier events.
DigI-VET offers the innovative new world of work and IT to VET educational contexts and the curriculum helps teachers to integrate these new challenges into their daily teaching.
The fifteen core results of the project DigI-VET are:
(1) the DigI-VET Curriculum
(2) the DigI-VET Learning and Teaching Resources
(3) the DigI-VET Online Observatory with best pracitice information and videos
(4) the DigI-VET Book on Digitisation and Industry 4.0 in European VET
(5) the DigI-VET sMOOC
(6) the DigI-VET research report
(7) the DigI-VET dissemination materials (posters, leaflets, broshure, cards, pens, flyer)
(8) the DigI-VET Website with Blog
(9) the DigI-VET Checklist for VET educators and teachers
(10) the DigI-VET videos (intregrated in the website and the online observatory)
(11) the DigI-VET OER strategy
(12) the DigI-VET digitisation concept for VET
(13) the DigI-VET publications, newsletter and pressarticles
(14) the DigI-VET sMOOC Concept
(15) the DigI-VET evaluation report



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