
Ακολουθούν τα Πνευματικά παραδοτέα και αποτελέσματα  του προγράμματος.

Το όνομα του κάθε Πνευματικού Παραδοτέου αποτελείται από τον αριθμό της δραστηριότητας, τον οργανισμό που ηγείται το παραδοτέο, τη γλώσσα στην οποία θα είναι διαθέσιμο και ενδεχόμενος τον τίτλο του.

Οι εταίροι έχουν ως εξής:

Ε0 – IK – Ingenious Knowledge, DE – (Συντονιστής)

Ε1 – UPB – University of Paderborn, DE

Ε2 – ARVET – AR Vocational Education and Training Ltd., UK

Ε3 – EMPH – Private Institute Emphasys Center, CY

Ε4 – AOAA – Asociatia Oamenilor de Afaceri Agres, RO

Συντομογραφίες για τις διαθέσιμες γλώσσες:

DE – Γερμανικά

EN – Αγγλικά

GR – Ελληνικά

RO – Ρουμάνικα

Παράδειγμα ονόματος αρχείου:

O1-A1-P1-DigI-VET- Τελικό Ερωτηματολόγιο – EN

Το αρχείο αφορά το πνευματική παραδοτέο 1 (O1), με έμφαση στην Δραστηριότητα 1 (A1), που δημιουργήθηκε από τον εταίρο Π1 (UPB) στο πρόγραμμα Digi-VET για το τελικό Ερωτηματολόγιο στα Αγγλικά (DE).

Υπάρχουν πέντε ΟΙ (πνευματικά παραδοτέα) στο DigI-VET. Τα αποτελέσματα των παραδοτέων θα τα βρείτε σύντομα εδώ.


Διαχείριση Προγράμματος


Άδεια OER:

Λογότυπο Erasmus+:

Αποποίηση ευθύνης:

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.





The fifteen Core Results of the project DigI-VET

Summary Report – DigI-VET Core Results
DigI-VET- CoreResults-Overview

1-DigI-VET- CoreResults-Curriculum
2-DigI-VET- CoreResults-Learning and Teaching Resources
3-DigI-VET- CoreResults-Online Observatory
4-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET book
5-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET-sMOOC
6-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET research report
7-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET dissemination materials
8-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET-website with blog
9-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET-teachers educators checklist
10-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET-videos
11-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET-OER Strategy
12-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET-digitisation concept for VET
13-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET-publications newsletter and press articles 14-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET-sMOOC concept
15-DigI-VET- CoreResults-DigI-VET- evaluation report


ΙΟ1: Έρευνα για την Ψηφιοποίηση και τη Βιομηχανία 4.0

P1 / University of Paderborn (UPB)

O1-A2-P1-DigI-VET Questionnaire final – DE
O1-A2-P1-DigI-VET Questionnaire final – DE
O1-A2-P1-DigI-VET Questionnaire final – EN
O1-A2-P1-DigI-VET Questionnaire final – EN
O1-A3-P1 DigI-VET – Survey Results Questionnaire_GER-EN

P2 / AR Vocational Education and Training Ltd., United Kingdom (ARVET)

O1-A1-P2-DigI-VET_ResearchonDigitalisationandIndustry4.0_UK – EN
O1-A1-P2-DigI-VET_ResearchonDigitalisationandIndustry4.0_UK – EN
O1-A2-P2-DigI-VET Questionnaire final – EN
O1-A2-P2-DigI-VET Questionnaire final – EN
O1-A1-P1-DigI-VET-Research Results-EN

P3 / Private Institute Emphasys Centre, Cyprus (EMPH)

O1-A1-P3-DigI-VET-ResearchonDigitalisationandIndustry4.0_Cyprus – EN
O1-A1-P3-DigI-VET-ResearchonDigitalisationandIndustry4.0_Cyprus – EN
O1-A2-P3-DigI-VET Questionnaire final – GR
O1-A2-P3-DigI-VET Questionnaire final – GR
O1-A3-P3-DigI-VET Survey Results Questionnaire-EN
O1-A3-P3-DigI-VET Survey Results Questionnaire-EN

P4 / Asociata Oamenilor de Afaceri Agres Romania (AOAA)

O1-A2-P4-DigI-VET Questionnaire final – RO
O1-A3-P4 DigI-VET AOA Survey Raport
O1-A2-P4-DigI-VET Questionnaire final – RO

DigI-VET survey results:

O1-A1-P1-DigI-VET-Research Results-EN
O1-A1-P1-DigI-VET-Research Results-EN



English sMOOC:

Geman sMOOC:

Greek/Cypriot sMOOC:

Romanian sMOOC:

DigI-VET sMOOC Concept:

O2-A1-P1-DigI-VET- sMOOC Concept- UPB-EN (Pdf.)
O2-A1-P1-DigI-VET- sMOOC Concept- UPB-EN


ΙΟ3: Το βιβλίο DigI-VET

O3-A1-P1-DigI-VET Book Structure – EN

English version of book: DigI-VET-EN

German version of book: DigI-VET-DE


ΙΟ4: Διδακτέα ύλη και Εκπαιδευτικό Υλικό

IO4: Curriculum and Didactical Materials

O4-A1-P1-DigI-VET Teaching material UPB – DE – No 1 Digitisation

O4-A2-P1-DiGI-VET Modules for the VET training measures – EN

O4-A2-P1-DiGI-VET Competence Profile – EN

O4-A4-P1-DIGI-VET- Competentce Profil- DE

O4-A4-P1-DIGI-VET- Competentce Profil- DE

O4-A4-P1-DIGI-VET-Competence Profil Skills-EN

O4-A4-P1-DIGI-VET-Competence Profil Skills-EN

O4-A5-P1-DiGI-VET Learning Outcome Matrix – EN

O4-A5-P1-DiGI-VET Learning Outcome Matrix – EN

O4-A5-P1-DiGI-VET Modules for the VET training measures – EN

O4-A4-P1_DIGI-VET-Competence Profil Presentation-EN

O4-A4-P1_DIGI-VET-Competence Profil Presentation-EN


DigI-VET Competences

P1 / University of Paderborn (UPB):

O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Presentation-DE
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Presentation-DE
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Skills-DE
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Skills-DE
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Learning Outcome Matrix – DE
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Learning Outcome Matrix – DE
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Modules for the VET training measures – DE
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET- Competentce Profil- DE
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET- Competentce Profil- DE

P2 / AR Vocational Education and Training Ltd., United Kingdom (ARVET)

O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Skills-EN
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Learning Outcome Matrix – EN
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Learning Outcome Matrix – EN
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Modules for the VET training measures – EN
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET- Competentce Profil- EN
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET- Competentce Profil- EN
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Presentation-EN
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Presentation-EN
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Skills-EN

P3 / Private Institute Emphasys Centre, Cyprus (EMPH)

O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Presentation-GR
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Presentation-GR
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profile Skills-GR
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profile Skills-GR
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Learning Outcome Matrix – GR
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Learning Outcome Matrix – GR
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Modules for the VET training measures – GR
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET- Competentce Profil- EN
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET- Competentce Profil- EN

P4 / Asociata Oamenilor de Afaceri Agres Romania (AOAA)

O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET- Competentce Profil- EN
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Presentation-RO
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Presentation-RO
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Skills-RO
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET-Competence Profil Skills-RO
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Learning Outcome Matrix – RO
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Learning Outcome Matrix – RO
O4-A5-P1-DigI-VET Modules for the VET training measures – RO
O4-A4-P1-DigI-VET- Competentce Profil- EN

Training Modules for Trainers and Teachers:

P1 / University of Paderborn (UPB):

Module 1: DigI-VET project and curriculum

O4-A1-P1-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 1-DE
O4-A1-P1-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 1-DE
O4-A1-P1-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 1-EN
O4-A1-P1-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 1-EN
O4-A1-P1-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 1-RO
O4-A1-P1-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 1-RO
O4-A1-P1-DigI-VET-Teacher Module 1-GR
O4-A1-P1-DigI-VET-Teacher Module 1-GR
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-DE
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-DE
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-EN
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-EN
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-RO
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-RO
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-GR
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-GR


P3 / Private Institute Emphasys Centre, Cyprus (EMPH)

Module 2: Digitisation and Industry 4.0

O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Teacher Module Terms History Agriculture-DE
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Teacher Module Terms History Agriculture-EN
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Teacher Module Terms History Agriculture-GR
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Teacher Module Terms History Agriculture-RO
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Teacher Module Terms and History-DE
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Teacher Module Terms and History-EN
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Teacher Module Terms and History-GR
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET – Teacher Module Terms and History-RO
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-RO
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-DE
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-DE
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-EN
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-EN
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-GR
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-GR
O4-A1-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-RO

P2 / AR Vocational Education and Training Ltd., United Kingdom (ARVET)

Module 3: Good practices of digitisation

O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-Module 3-Teacher-EN
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-Module 3-Teacher-EN
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-Module 3-Teacher-GR
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-Module 3-Teacher-GR
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-Module 3-Teacher-RO
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-Module 3-Teacher-RO
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-Module 3-Teacher-DE
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-Module 3-Teacher-DE
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-Genera view on Future-RO
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-Genera view on Future-RO
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-General view on Future-DE
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-General view on Future-DE
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-General view on Future-EN
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-General view on Future-EN
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-General view on Future-GR
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-General view on Future-GR
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-Importance of Digitisation Education- Industry- DE
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-Importance of Digitisation Education- Industry- DE
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-Importance of Digitisation Education- Industry- EN
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-Importance of Digitisation Education- Industry- EN
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-Importance of Digitisation Education- Industry- GR
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-Importance of Digitisation Education- Industry- GR
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-Importance of Digitisation Education- Industry-RO
O4-A1-P2-DigI-VET- Teacher Module 3-Importance of Digitisation Education- Industry-RO

P4 / Asociata Oamenilor de Afaceri Agres Romania (AOAA)

Module 4: The need of digitisation

O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- Module 4- Teacher- DE
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- Module 4- Teacher- DE
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- Module 4- Teacher- EN
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- Module 4- Teacher- EN
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- Module 4- Teacher- GR
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- Module 4- Teacher- GR
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- Module 4- Teacher- RO
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- Module 4- Teacher- RO
O4-A1-P4- DigI- VET- Teacher Module 4- DE
O4-A1-P4- DigI- VET- Teacher Module 4- DE
O4-A1-P4- DigI- VET- Teacher Module 4- EN
O4-A1-P4- DigI- VET- Teacher Module 4- EN
O4-A1-P4 -DigI-VET- Teacher Module 4- GR
O4-A1-P4 -DigI-VET- Teacher Module 4- GR
O4-A1-P4 -DigI-VET- Teacher Module 4- RO
O4-A1-P4 -DigI-VET- Teacher Module 4- RO


Trainings Modules for learners: 

P1 / University of Paderborn (UPB)

Module A:

O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A- Digitisation-DE
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A- Digitisation-DE
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A- Digitisation-EN
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A- Digitisation-EN
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A- Digitisation-GR
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A- Digitisation-GR
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A- Digitisation-RO
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A- Digitisation-RO
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-DE
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-DE
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-EN
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-EN
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-GR
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-GR
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-RO
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-RO

Module B:

04-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B- Industry- RO
04-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B- Industry- RO
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B- Industry-DE
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B- Industry-DE
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-Industry-EN
O4-A2-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-Industry-EN
O4-A2-P1-DIGI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry-GR
O4-A2-P1-DIGI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry-GR
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- Industry-DE
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- Industry-DE
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- Industry-EN
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- Industry-EN
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- Industry-GR
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- Industry-GR
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material B-Industry-RO
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material B-Industry-RO

Module C:

O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material Current Status-DE
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material Current Status-DE
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material Current Status-EN
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material Current Status-EN
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material Current Status-GR
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material Current Status-GR
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material Current Status-RO
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Classroom Material Current Status-RO
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul Current Status-DE
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul Current Status-DE
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul Current Status-EN
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul Current Status-EN
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul Current Status-RO
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET- Learner Modul Current Status-RO
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET-Learner Modul Current Status-GR
O4-A3-P1-DigI-VET-Learner Modul Current Status-GR

P2 / AR Vocational Education and Training Ltd., United Kingdom (ARVET)

Module A:

O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-A-Learner-DE
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-A-Learner-DE
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-A-Learner-EN
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-A-Learner-EN
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-A-Learner-GR
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-A-Learner-GR
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-A-Learner-RO
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-A-Learner-RO
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A-Industry-DE
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A-Industry-DE
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A-Industry-EN
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A-Industry-EN
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A-Industry-GR
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A-Industry-GR
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A-Industry-RO
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul A-Industry-RO


Module B:

O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-Industry-DE
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-Industry-DE
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-Industry-EN
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-Industry-EN
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-Industry-GR
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-Industry-GR
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-Industry-RO
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-Industry-RO
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-B-Learner-DE
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-B-Learner-DE
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-B-Learner-EN
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-B-Learner-EN
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-B-Learner-GR
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-B-Learner-GR
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-B-Learner-RO
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-B-Learner-RO

Module C:

O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C-Industry-DE
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C-Industry-DE
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C-Industry-EN
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C-Industry-EN
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C-Industry-GR
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C-Industry-GR
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C-Industry-RO
O4-A2-P2-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C-Industry-RO
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Learner-DE
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Learner-DE
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Learner-EN
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Learner-EN
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-C-Learner-GR
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-C-Learner-GR
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-C-Learner-RO
O4-A3-P2-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-C-Learner-RO

P3 / Private Institute Emphasys Centre, Cyprus (EMPH)

Module A:

O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-EN
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-EN
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-GR
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-GR
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-RO
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-RO
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-DE
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-DE
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Module A -DE
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Module A -DE
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Module A -EN
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Module A -EN
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Module A -GR
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Module A -GR
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Module A -RO
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Module A -RO

Module B:

O4-A2-P3-DigI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry Agriculture-DE
O4-A2-P3-DigI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry Agriculture-EN
O4-A2-P3-DigI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry Agriculture-GR
O4-A2-P3-DigI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry Agriculture-RO
O4-A2-P3-DigI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry-DE
O4-A2-P3-DigI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry-EN
O4-A2-P3-DigI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry-EN
O4-A2-P3-DigI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry-GR
O4-A2-P3-DigI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry-GR
O4-A2-P3-DigI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry-RO
O4-A2-P3-DigI-VET-Learner Modul B- Industry-RO
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-RO
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-RO
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-DE
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-DE
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-EN
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-EN
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-GR
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material-GR

Module C:


O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Current StatusCY-DE
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Current StatusCY-DE
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Current StatusCY-EN
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Current StatusCY-EN
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Current StatusCY-GR
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Current StatusCY-GR
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Current StatusCY-RO
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Classroom Material C-Current StatusCY-RO
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- Current StatusCY-DE
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- Current StatusCY-DE
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- Current StatusCY-EN
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- Current StatusCY-EN
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- Current StatusCY-GR
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- Current StatusCY-GR
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C-Current StatusCY-RO
O4-A3-P3-DigI-VET- Learner Modul C-Current StatusCY-RO


P4 / Asociata Oamenilor de Afaceri Agres Romania (AOAA)

Module A:

O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Module A-DE
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Module A-DE
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Module A-EN
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Module A-EN
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Module A-GR
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Module A-GR
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Module A-RO
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Module A-RO
O4-A2-P4-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-DE
O4-A2-P4-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-EN
O4-A2-P4-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-EN
O4-A2-P4-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-GR
O4-A2-P4-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-GR
O4-A2-P4-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-RO
O4-A2-P4-DigI-VET-Classroom Material-Module A-Learner-RO

Module B:

O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul B- DE
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul B- DE
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul B- EN
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul B- EN
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-GR
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-GR
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-RO
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul B-RO
O4-A3-P4 – DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- DE
O4-A3-P4 – DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- DE
O4-A3-P4 – DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- EN
O4-A3-P4 – DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- EN
O4-A3-P4 – DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- GR
O4-A3-P4 – DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- GR
O4-A3-P4 – DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- RO
O4-A3-P4 – DigI-VET- Classroom Material B- RO

Module C:

O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- DE
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- DE
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- EN
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- EN
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- GR
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- GR
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- RO
O4-A2-P4- DigI-VET- Learner Modul C- RO
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- C- DE
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- C- DE
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- C- EN
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- C- GR
O4-A3-P4- DigI-VET- Classroom Material- C- RO



IO5: Online Observatory of Digitisation Best Practices

15 Core results of DigI-VET 

3-DigI-VET- CoreResults-Online Observatory


Templates and Explanation

O5-A1-P1-DigI-VET- Showcases and Online Observatory Template-EN
O5-A1-P1-DigI-VET- Showcases and Online Observatory Template-EN

Link to the DigI-VET Online Observatory: